
Top Ten of 2013

January 2, 2014

Not that anybody asked, “Hey, what’s the best movies you saw last year?”  But here they are, and if you want to post your own list or comment on any of these, feel free to.  The list is different because it’s not the best movies released in 2013, but the best movies I saw in 2013 for the first time.   So it doesn’t matter when they were made.  This means that several titles will be unfamiliar to many people.  One fact is that all the movies on my list were either viewed in relation to a class I teach, or at Regent Square Theater in Pittsburgh.  I hope it also makes anyone who happens to look at these curious to check these out.  If anyone would like to post these on Facebook to get more people to find out about this blog and possibly start contributing, that would be great.  Here’s to a great year of film viewing in 2014.  I hope you all find movies that make you laugh, cry, and think.

So, here they are:

1.  Mirror (Andrei Tarkovski, 1975)

2.  Hannah Arendt (margarethe von Trotta, 2013)

3.  City of God (Fernando Meirelles, 2002)

4.  Ashes of Time Redux (Wong Kar-Wai, 1994)

5.  The Seashell and the Clergyman (Germaine Dulac, 1928)

6.  Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)

7.  The Hurt Locker (Kathryn Bigelow, 2008)

8.  He Who Gets Slapped (Victor Sjostrom, 1924)

9.  Chungking Express (Wong Kar-Wai, 1994)

10.  The Mirror (Jafir Pahani, 1998)



  1. Am I the only person who thinks that Unforgiven is a comedy?

  2. I have only seen two of the films on the list – Unforgiven and The Hurt Locker. I have to add the others to my must-see list.

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